Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Guitar Zero: You could play an actual guitar, ya' know?

What can I say here that will hold your attention for the entirety of this blog? Hmmm....

I could tell you, personally, exactly what you need to do with your life right now if you want all your dreams to come true....because you see....I can tell the future.

No I can't. It'd be sweet though, right? If someone had that kind of information I'd listen intently, on the edge of my seat, ready to do whatever this bright future required. Who wouldn't do anything to have everything they've ever wanted come true. But what if you have even better news than that? News that is changing our world and even the very hearts of men and women from all walks of life at this very moment. News that can't be contained because it is too good not to be true. News of hope, of an extraordinary life, of the past removed and an unimaginable future in store....But your youth group kids would much rather be making out with something or sneaking off to smoke in the Tomb of Jesus on your church property?

Me: "Students, do you realize what this means?! Jesus has given himself for us and the world to reconcile all things and to invite you to live a new life filled with joy and peace...loving others the way God designed us to, knowing you are valuable, being involved in God's mission to rescue all of mankind! Don't you see?!!" Response: snore, snore, pouty face, text, answer with "Jesus" because that's probably what Craig's asking about, snore, text (in my pocket so the adults won't see), snore, doze, this is lame, I want to make out with something, frowny faces.

I love youth! I love my students! I know most of them are seeking God! And I know that some are more passionate than others about Jesus! But I know there's something much deeper going on. And it's not just with them. I had the "disease" for awhile myself. I've seen it all around America. I've seen it in congregations where I've served. I've seen it at church camps. I've seen it at Bible college. The issue -many have become bored with God. What?!

A life lived in pursuit and connection with the Creator of the universe, the Giver of all good things, the Savior of mankind, the Almighty Lord, the Father who gave His son, the Supreme Being who is called Love, the Sultan of Swat (the Sultan of Swat), the Life-giving, Breath-sustaining, Hope-instilling, King of Kings!!!!....and students ask me if we're playing a game tonight. "What's the game going to be?" And if you're like me, deep inside, you have jerk-tendencies, where you want to respond mockingly, in a higher-pitched voice than your normal one, "Whatsh the game gowing to bee? What do you think this is kid, Mickey Mouse Club? Come on!!!" But I'm polite with students. And I respectfully say, "Well, let me tell you what we're going to study tonight and then tell you what activity we're doing. Cool?" But they are much more interested in the game. And the videos keep their attention. And music comes in a close second when it comes to maintaining focus.

There's so much going on in our lives....here....in mass-media-driven-get-what-you-want-right-now-if-it-doesn't-entertain-you-it's-not-worth-your-time culture. And that is what I believe is one of the biggest battles I face as a youth minister. There are so many forces tugging on young people...and many don't even realize it. Instead of Christ pervading everything that they are and are involved in, He's just a part of their life. Not their Everything. No, the boy their with is their everything. God is second. The new phone she got eats most of her time while her Bible consumes little if any of it. They "spend good money to look poor" so everyone will notice how unique they are. And they buy the hippest, newest gadgets with their hard-earned money so they can show them off to their friends...and have no idea that billions of people live on less per day than we spend on a Grilled-stuft Burrito. She would like to show as much skin as she can, especially in the upper region, so that...what?...she'll be sought after by the kind of guys that glare and drool and wish they could do inappropriate things with her? Really? He needs attention so he acts tough and standoffish or cool and superior but inside he's really lonely and unfulfilled. She stops eating because standards have been set before her which no daughter of God should ever be subject to. And we continue to seek in all the wrong places. And students search for significance where it will not be found.

And that is why I'm a youth minister. I seek to reject the incoming tide of lies and false gospels...to defend these sheep in this pasture. My heart is to see every young person I minister to in a passionate, loving, whole-life pursuit of Jesus Christ.

Even all the ones who called Sufjan Stevens "elevator music." That's when I needed to let my jerk-tendency kick in:

"Oh. I'm sorry. I don't play Guitar Hero so this probably isn't one of the 10 bands that you listen to."....or.....

"You've probably never heard anything they don't play on the radio so this might be new. It's called Indie Rock."

"Endee what?"

"Independant rock-n-roll. You're too young."....or....

"If you ever say that again, as your youth pastor, I will withhold spiritual growth from you!"

(But maybe not that far.)

What would you say to them?

That's all I have to say.


Luke Wright said...

Craig... thanks for your thoughts. This was definitely non-pretentious and transparent, and I understand too well the struggle of wanting more for people than they want for themselves.

Tara said...

Good post, fellow peach! I'm glad you're a Youth Pastor...now I'd like to visit, and vice versa.

And I like Sufjan.

Micah said...

Hey Craig! I'm glad you made this your status on facebook, what you had to say really resonated with the thoughts I have about my kids too. It was great reading your thoughts and it reminded me of actually sitting and talking with you way back when. Thanks for the look into your heart and mind, and keep living for the times God breaks into their lives! Love ya bro!